Graphs of Logarithmic Functions

In this section, you will: <ul> <li>Identify the domain of a logarithmic function.</li> <li>Graph logarithmic functions.</li> </ul>


Introductory Statistics is intended for the one-semester introduction to statistics course for students who are not mathematics or engineering majors. It focuses on the interpretation of statistical results, especially in real world settings, and assumes that students have an understanding of intermediate algebra. In addition to end of section practice and homework sets, examples of each topic are explained step-by-step throughout the text and followed by a Try It problem that is designed as extra practice for students. This book also includes collaborative exercises and statistics labs designed to give students the opportunity to work together and explore key concepts. To support today’s student in understanding technology, this book features TI 83, 83+, 84, or 84+ calculator instructions at strategic points throughout. While the book has been built so that each chapter builds on the previous, it can be rearranged to accommodate any instructor’s particular needs.

Systems of Linear Equations: Three Variables

In this section, you will:<ul><li>Solve systems of three equations in three variables.</li><li>Identify inconsistent systems of equations containing three variables.</li><li>Express the solution of a system of dependent equations containing three variables.</li></ul>


In this section, you will:<ul><li>Draw angles in standard position.</li><li>Convert between degrees and radians.</li><li>Find coterminal angles.</li><li>Find the length of a circular arc.</li><li>Use linear and angular speed to describe motion on a circular path.</li></ul>

Matrices and Matrix Operations

In this section, you will:<ul><li>Find the sum and difference of two matrices.</li><li>Find scalar multiples of a matrix.</li><li>Find the product of two matrices.</li></ul>

Efficiency in Perfectly Competitive Markets

By the end of this section, you will be able to: <ul> <li>Apply concepts of productive efficiency and allocative efficiency to perfectly competitive markets</li> <li>Compare the model of perfect competition to real-world markets</li> </ul>

The Parabola

In this section, you will: <ul> <li>Graph parabolas with vertices at the origin.</li> <li>Write equations of parabolas in standard form.</li> <li>Graph parabolas with vertices not at the origin.</li> <li>Solve applied problems involving parabolas.</li> </ul>

Tất cả
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Tất cả ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Việt
Tiếng Anh
Tất cả chủ đề
Social Sciences
Science and Technology
Mathematics and Statistics