Staying on Top When Your World's Upside Down


Stop waiting for someone else to “empower” you

Tác giả: Joe Tye

“I see so many men and women fail in this life waiting for somebody to motivate them. Nobody can motivate you. You have to motivate yourself. You’ve got to be excited about life, pumped up about life.”
A.L. Williams: All You Can Do Is All You Can Do But All You Can Do Is Enough!

In a growing number of organizations across the country, people are gathering in groups to take each day’s promise from The Self-Empowerment Pledge – promising themselves and each other to make the effort to live those promises. This group reading has a double benefit. First, people are more likely to stick to the promises they have made if they’ve been made publicly (and if coworkers gently remind them of the promises when they break them). Second, when a critical mass of people within an organization internalize and act upon the promises, they inevitably have a positive impact on culture.

Roger Steinkruger, CEO of Tri Valley Health System in Cambridge, Nebraska says that group readings of each day’s promise have had a highly positive impact on the culture of the organization, and on the lives of many of the people who work there. Watch a 2-minute video of the team at Tri Valley Health System as a group reciting Wednesday’s Promise on Determination – and if you look closely you will notice that more than half of the people in the group are not reading the promise – they have memorized it! The Self-Empowerment Pledge at Tri Valley Health System.