Hanging system of electronic tools
Workers in garment industry often have a lot of tools and materials at the workplace during working time. Therefore, it is important to have a system of organising electronic wires, lights, fans as well as any electronic production tools to ensure a clean, tidy and productive workplace.
Prospective users:
Supervisors and production managers should be involved in setting up the system. Health and Safety staff should also be consulted.
This practice can be applied to garment and any kinds of factories with lots of different tools and materials in the working places as well as electronic based machine or tools.
ProblemS addressed
- Limited space for workplace
- Low productivity due to limited workspace
- Accidents involving tools and/or electricity
This practice involves developing appropriate equipment and systems for the arrangement of tools and equipment in the workplace to ensure workers can access them quickly and safely.
Management and workers together should analyze the workplace and tools required and design an appropriate system for arranging tools and machinery of production. Health and safety staff can provide technical input regarding safety issues.
Steps in implementation
- Analyze the layout of the factory and production lines
- Design the layout of a hanging rack system to match the layout of the production line
- Setup major electronics wires along the hanging system with sockets
- Set up system of light bulbs with individual switches and sockets for fans and electronic equipment such as cutting machines or electric irons
- The light bulbs should be low enough to ensure sufficient light for workers but not too close so workers bump them.
- Similarly, the switch and light sockets should be within reach of the workers but not too close. all wires and switches should be higher than the tallest worker at minimum..
- Fans should be hung to save space, either on the walls or racks. Fans should be at least one and a half times higher than the tallest worker and should have a protective cover at all times.
- Electronic wires for the equipment or tools should be long enough to move along the workspace according to the requirements of the production, but not too long. If possible, use a spring wire. The best way to do this is to start the lead at the centre of the workplace so it can stretch to all extremes of the workplace.
- Make sure to have separate automatic switches for power in different lines, sections so that if there is an emergency in one location, this doesn’t affect other areas.
- Electronic wires, switches and sockets should be periodically checked to ensure that they are in good condition to ensure safety for workers. Develop and implement a regular maintenance schedule for all electronic equipment in the factory. All maintenance of electronics should be carried out by a qualified person.
- Encourage and supervise each worker to turn off their individual light and fans or unplug their equipment and tools at the end of the shift, or whenever they leave their workplace.

Resources required
- Well-designed and stable production layout
- Hanging rack system and electronic wires and supplements setup
- Training for supervisors and workers on how to use the system correctly
- Workers’ cooperation
Challenges and pitfalls
- Challenge and pitfalls
Positive impact
- Worker safety
- Cleaner and tidier workspaceImproved quality and productivity
Indicators for monitoring
- Hanging rack system and electronic wires and supplements setup which well-fit with the production layout
- All workers know how to use the system correctly
Funding for the Factory Improvement Programme is provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the United States Department of Labor.