This Guide explains a methodology to develop City Development Strategies (CDS). It has been developed to assist city leaders in Viet Nam along with the other relevant stakeholders develop a CDS for their city.
The Guide provides simple step-by-step information to facilitate the process of developing a CDS. It also provides examples from the CDS’s that have been completed in the Vietnamese context over the last in the past five years. Each CDS that has been developed in Viet Nam has been unique, following slightly different steps and processes. This is because each CDS must be suited to the political, institutional and social environment where it is produced. It is therefore very important that you interpret the step-by-step guidance provided in this Guide for your particular context.
The Guide is structured as follows:
Introduction: This section introduces the concept of a CDS and the benefits of developing a CDS. It also introduces the CDS building blocks.
Building Blocks: The following eight sections cover the eight “Building Blocks” which add together to give the full CDS process. During development of a CDS, all of these 8 building blocks will need to be conducted. Five of the building blocks represent steps or stages of conducting a CDS. The other three building blocks are “cross-cutting”, this means that they must be addressed in each of the five stages listed above.
Each building block has the following sections:
- What is this building block?
- Why is this building block important?
- Key components of this building block
- How to do this building block
- How to monitor and evaluate this building block
- How to integrate consultation and participation into this building block
- How to integrate strategic environmental assessment (SEA) processes with this building block
- Helpful Hints
- Resources
References: A list of resources referred to in this document, many of which are likely to be useful for developing your CDS